Have you ever been cut off or tailgated? Who hasn't? It’s never pleasant when someone suddenly cuts you off or tailgates your car across busy city streets. Not only does this put you and other drivers at risk, it also puts other road users such as pedestrians and cyclist at high risk. Whenever you are confronted by such situations, take charge of your actions so a bad situation doesn't turn into a situation that you wish never happened.
Today many drivers are operating their vehicle in a more aggressive manner. This happens when some drivers decide to exceed the speed limit, change lanes without using indicators, not obey roundabout rules and follow cars too closely amongst many other dangerous and unsafe manoeuvres.
If aggressive driving wasn't enough, some road users suffer from a even more dangerous condition called Road Rage! Road rage happens when a driver becomes extremely aggressive and abusive and as a result becomes a threat to other road users. Road rage is basically an escalation of emotions which is generally ignited by aggressive driving behaviours.
So how can we actually avoid such situations?
The most important prevention technique is to avoid engaging in such behaviours and try not to give other road users a cause to become aggressive.
Always avoid conflict on the road. Don't take other drivers mistakes personally.
Don't drive too closely behind other vehicle; always keep a 3 second gap.
Make sure you’re not using your high beam too closely to oncoming vehicles and vehicles in front of you
Give way to other drivers if the situation is safe and appropriate
If a driver does become aggressive, stay in your car and try to avoid confrontation